Altis Sales

Altis Sales Management Software

Altis Sales is a cutting-edge sales management software

Altis is a sales management software solution designed for financial institutions that offer a range of consumer lending products including personal finance, credit cards, auto leases and home loans. Our software is a comprehensive, user-friendly tool that streamlines the entire sales process from initial lead capture to closing the deal.

With Altis, financial institutions can manage their sales pipeline in a centralized platform, allowing sales teams to prioritize leads and track application progress with ease. The software also features dashboards and robust analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling sales managers to gain valuable insights into team performance, identify trends and optimize their sales strategy.

Altis is designed to be scalable and adaptable, making it ideal for financial institutions of all sizes. By leveraging our innovative software, financial institutions can improve their sales efficiency and customer experience, ultimately driving growth and profitability.

Altis Sales - Core Features

  • Lead Management
  • Contact Management
  • Multi-Level Sales Teams
  • Multi – Product Sales
  • Cross Selling & Upselling (Based on DBR Affordability)
  • Lead Prioritization
  • Lead Assignment based on lead attributes
  • Lead Activities
  • Activity Scheduling
  • Approved Employer Management
  • DND – Do Not Disturb
  • Referral Lead Capturing
  • Appointment Calendar
  • Instant Customer Eligibility Check (Requires Altis Instant)
  • Instant Pre – Approval (Requires Altis Instant)
  • SMS Campaign
  • Whatsapp Business Integration
  • Change Code workflow
  • Policy Exceptions workflow & History
  • Customer Application Stages Tracking
  • Sales Pipeline
  • Sales Team Management
  • Sales Target Management
  • Sales Performance Management
  • Sales Incentive Management
  • Back Office Activity Management
  • Dashboards
  • Multilingual (AR / EN)
  • Integration with Corporate website to capture web leads
  • Integration with corporate applications
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